dinsdag 8 februari 2011

Day 25, Candle

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow, this is gorgeous! Very moody and romantic, and the way the candle is the focus of attention, yet her face is still clearly recognisable but blurry in the dark background, is just inspired. The glow of the candle on her hands makes for an excellent focal point. Very well done.

  2. Very romantic. I might have cropped out closer from the top, it struck me while scrolling.

  3. Very soft and feminine and romantic. We still recognize her but she's so sensual. It's almost as if she's saying. Honey, come and lay with me. :-)

  4. I think that this shot looks more ghost like rather than romantic.

  5. It looks as though she is presenting something...nice that she is recognizable and in the background.
