donderdag 3 februari 2011

Day 20,

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Very mysterious photo. I love how the dark tones and textures don't distract from her eye.

  2. It makes me wonder what she's seeing - I sense fear in this photograph - very evocative, nicely done indeed!!

  3. An excellent idea, and so nicely executed. You aspire to National Geographic?

    Your wife has done a stirling job modelling for you very day. And this is a fantastic outcome for both of you. Great contrast!

  4. Like UnicornBabe, I also sense fear in this one. Well done.

  5. This is dramatic and evokes a strong sense of mystery. (She wasn't hiding from you and your camera, was she?) Your wife is a great model!

  6. I very much like the composition you chose to work. It's works really well.

  7. Is she supposed to look terrified? B&W was a perfect choice for this.

  8. Nice shot! I really finding myself wanting a little color esp. in her eye.

  9. Somehow the shadow bothers me, but otherwise, this is beautiful.

  10. Beautiful shawl. With some more eyeliner or even better, kohl, she would be a perfect mysterious eastern beauty.
