woensdag 2 februari 2011

Day 19, Outtakes

5 opmerkingen:

  1. You seem to have a great space as a studio. My home is tiny and if I want to do a shoot, I have to move all the furniture in my livingroom. I love the portrait shot that you have as an outtake. Her eyes staring right at you are wonderful and show her personality. She's obviously a very kind and warm person. I love also how nicely the lips are in focus. Just wonderful.

  2. Wow, you have an awesome studio space! Very nice. The second portrait is great and I think you should have posted the last one as your shot for the day. Including the location and lighting setup really does put across a fantastic high-fashion atmosphere that works so well for showcasing clothing. Just cropping down from the top a bit, and maybe vignetting the top too, might have made it look a bit like a real professional setting.

  3. Cool, you replaced your sheets for actual studio background paper. Very professional.
