dinsdag 1 februari 2011

Day 18, Low Key

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Very nice, although I find this perhaps a bit to dark, particularly on her face. My eyes is drawn to the line of dots down her back, which are the brightest parts of the image.
    Low key is not necessarily about everything being under-exposed, but rather that most of the elements in the scene are of a dark tone. It would still be good to see detail in the lines of her dress, and some more light in her face.

  2. I agree that more light on her face would be better, but I do like the way in which you have placed the line of buttons down the right side of the image.

  3. Yes, the buttons really enhance this shot - as does the composition.

  4. I would just use the dodge tool to brighten her face a little and the burn tool or a layer mask to tone down the light on her back. Beautiful pose and definitely worth spending a few minutes more time on.

  5. Awesome pose and that dress looks like an amazing design.

  6. I love this pose. I do think a bit more light on her face would help. Perhaps something as simple as a reflector to lighten up the harsher shadows that make her look older than she is. The composition is beautiful though.

  7. I really like this. Very beautiful. To me, the lighting is just right.
