zondag 30 januari 2011

Day 16, Caught

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow, so cool! I think that the way you have darkened this down is effective, but I think that a flashlight effect would have a much brighter centre (perhaps on her face?) and a faster falloff around from that. This is perhaps just a little too consistently grey across the frame. But I LOVE her expression, clothing and pose. That pose is SOOOO cool.

  2. What a great scene and so different from yesterday! I hope you two are having as much fun shooting these as we are seeing them!

  3. Your wife must be a very agreeable person for all these varied shots.. the will make a terrific memory poster.
    I just realized that I have made comments on the last six pics, and didn't register my name...ooops

  4. What a wonderful model your wife is. She does so well. Great shot.

  5. Maybe a curves adjustment to pop the contrast a little more? Beautiful job and idea.

  6. I like the pose and the intent. I also agree that a bit of difference in the light would make her pop more. I also find her jacket going to the side like that makes her waist look a bit thick, although she is very slender. I would suggest always having a clothes pin around to so you can use it behind to bring that in a little without it showing. If you can't find a clothespin, I'm sure Marga would be happy to lend you one. ;-)

  7. Very fun shot here! The wideness of the jacket looks a little odd in this position. Eury had a great suggestion to bring it in behind her, that was my thought too.

  8. Fun shot. I like the spotlight effect. The jacket bothered me, too.
