zaterdag 15 januari 2011

Day 01, Yellow on Yellow

14 opmerkingen:

  1. Ooooh, what a great start to a wonderful subject matter!

    I really love the light and brightness of the photo. In the one you posted on Worth, the dark frame line going halfway on the right side stands out quite a bit. Not sure if that effect is necessary.

  2. Beautiful color, lots of pop for the opening shot! I think I might have even cropped out a little more of the lower part of the picture. The face alone amidst all that yellow is more than powerful enough.

  3. Wow, that's an awesome and vibrant start to the month! A great pose, wonderful lighting and I think your wife is going to make a great subject. It's great you can get her to help you out!

  4. Thus ine really makes a statement. A wonderful start to your challenge.

  5. Wonderful portrait. Amazing how you managed to keep her skintone natural amongst all the yellows.

  6. Awesome start to the month, the yellow on yellow is so bright but works. Nice composition of your wife looking into the frame. Great start.

  7. Franke Verhoeven17 januari 2011 om 04:09

    Hartstikke mooi! Ik ben iedere keer weer verbaasd waar jij je fantasie vandaan haalt.
    De eerste twee foto's zijn geweldig!
    Heel mooi gedaan.
    Kijk uit naar de volgende...

    Ik ben benieuwd of jullie de 30 dagen vol kunnen maken. Het zal niet meevallen om iedere dag weer zo'n spannende foto te kunnen maken. Veel suc6 en ik ga jullie volgen.

    Groetjes Franke

  8. What a great start! A wonderful vibrant portrait - she looks as though she's peeping out of a flower!!

  9. Beautiful! I love how her gorgeous profile pops right out againt the yellow.

  10. Wonderful! Love the bright colors and composition!

  11. The face stands out amongst all that color

  12. Oh, wow, wonderful portrait and the color makes it all so cheerful.

  13. When I saw this photo, I knew your 30 days would be fun. Very excellent photo, with a great colour!
